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Sermon's - CD Series

Advancing_To_The_Abundant_Life Advance To The Abundant Life Price: $20.00
How is your life going today, maybe great, maybe not so great. But the good news is that God wants you to move up in life, really move up! In John 10:10 Jesus said, I have come that they may have life, and that they may have it more abundantly." In this series you will learn the principles and how to apply them so that you can move up into that abundant life.
Aprenticing_Under_The_Master Apprenticing Under The Master Price: $25.00
An apprentice is a person learning a craft under a skilled worker, it’s a beginner. When we speak of someone apprenticing under the master we mean that he has bound or set himself at work as an apprentice under that master. We know that Jesus is the “Master” and we are called by Him to apprentice under Him. But before we can apprentice under the Master we need to know the three key meanings of Master as they apply to Jesus
Redigging_The_Wells_Of_Prayer Re-Digging The Wells of Prayer Price: $25.00
Quite often what was in the natural in the Old and New Testament has a spiritual significance and implication to our lives today. In the natural there were wells that Abraham dug which were sources of refreshing water and life for the people. The people enjoyed the refreshing of those wells but their enemies came and stopped up those wells filling them with dirt. Later Isaac re-dug the wells. Today God is calling us to re-dig some of the wells of the early church.
Sitting_At_The_Feet_Of_Jesus Sitting At The Feet of Jesus Price: $25.00
In the story of Martha and Mary in Luke chapter ten, we see Martha who is so consumed with hosting that misses out on the opportunity to draw closer to Jesus. She was in proximity of Him but didn’t seek Him. Today we are given the same opportunity to engage God, encounter God, hear from God, and express our love for Him. The question is will we to miss our opportunity to sit at His feet?
That_I_May_Dwell_Among_Them That I May Dwell Among Them Price: $20.00
The Tabernacle is a wonderful picture book full of object lessons, a graphic, vivid experience of God’s presence with man. The Tabernacle was where God dwelt with man in those days. God’s desire was that He could dwell among them. The children of Israel had an experience of God’s presence among them and today that is still the desire of God. We can experience God when we understand the purpose of the Tabernacle.
Unrealized_Expectations Unrealized Expectation Price: $15.00
All of us have become disheartened at times because we expect things to happen a certain way and many times they just don’t turn out the way we expect. But we don’t have to be defeated. Find out how to properly handle unrealized expectations.